We're starting 2016 with a bang, with all-new SnapStream 7.0!
Twitter & Facebook Improvements
Social TV Dashboard
Easily manage all your Twitter and Facebook posts in one place, with SnapStream’s new Social TV Dashboard.
Approve Tweets and Facebook Posts
SnapStream’s built-in Queue is a new way for social media teams to control what content gets posted to Twitter and Facebook. From the Queue, designated team leaders can review the the post’s visuals, make edits to the text, and publish the post live. This approval workflow is completely optional by the way; you can customize it to fit your team’s structure.
For example:
Set Permissions to Publish on Social
Does your social team have an approval process? Or is it freestyle, all-you-can-Tweet?
Whatever your social media workflow, we make it easy to set user permissions for who can post to Twitter and Facebook, and in what capacity.
Give user groups as much or as little access as you’d like.
For example: Create a group for Interns and turn on Queue Tweets and Queue Facebook Posts, to hold all their outgoing content for approval.
Post Performance
“I don’t care how many Retweets or Likes we got!” said no one ever. Everyone wants to see their top performing posts. SnapStream keeps a track record of all posts and engagement on Twitter and Facebook. Sort by the most Likes, the most Retweets, the most Shares, etc.
Cross-Post between Twitter & Facebook
Create your clip once, and cross-post native videos and screenshots between Facebook and Twitter, while still playing to the strengths of each platform. The text is editable, so you can switch up the message to play to your Twitter and Facebook audiences. Make sure to include the appropriate tags, handles and hashtags for either network (see below: new auto-complete helps with that.)
Faster TV Clip Uploads
Immediacy is important when you’re live-tweeting a TV show. Because as Ricky Bobby says, “if you ain’t first, you’re last.”
TV clip uploads to Twitter and Facebook are up to 50% faster in new SnapStream 7.0.
Facebook Video with Captions
We live in a world of autoplay videos. To get the best engagement on your Facebook video posts, it’s a best practice to include closed captions. This way, users can “watch” a video even while the audio is muted.
With SnapStream 7.0, TV clips posted to Facebook are automatically uploaded with closed captioning.
SnapStream TV Show with Captions → Facebook TV Clip with Captions
Auto-Complete @usernames and #hashtags for Twitter
Live-tweeting a TV show means using the right #hashtags and @usernames.
Auto-complete suggests Twitter @usernames and #hashtags to add into your tweets as you type, just like you’re used to.
For live-tweeting events—like presidential debates, award shows or sports—it helps you keep pace and confirms you’re tagging the right @usernames and the right #trending conversation.
Tagging and Auto-Complete for Facebook
SnapStream’s auto-complete for Facebook posts ensures that your Facebook posts perform at their best.
Start typing @ + the name of the organization or person you want to tag and SnapStream will bring up the official Facebook Pages to tag in your post.
Like with Twitter, we pull this data directly from Facebook, so it’s similar to natively posting on Facebook.
New Web Interface
New Look, Same Functionality
Here are some looks at before/after screenshots, comparing SnapStream 6.x to SnapStream 7.0:
Welcome Screen
TV Library
Search Results
Web Player
Transcript & Tweets Tab
Program Guide
Recording Manager
Use SnapStream on Phones & Tablets
SnapStream’s new web interface is touch-friendly and designed to work on mobile, tablet, desktop or any screen in the universe. (In the lingo, our web interface is now responsive.)
You can now use your mobile phone or tablet to search TV, create clips (by transcript), browse the program guide, schedule recordings and more. (Note: video playback requires the web browser plug-in, which only works on Mac and PC desktops.)
Native HTML5 Video Playback for H.264*
If you are recording or ShowSqueezing to H.264 and using Mac OS X, playback is faster and easier with our new native HTML5 video player. This means no more installing or updating the SnapStream Web Player Plug-in and easier use of SnapStream throughout your organization.
(* Limited to Safari on Mac OS X for H.264 and H.264 TP recordings)
GIFs in the SnapStream Library
“The world’s gone GIF crazy,” is a recent quote that we from Stephen Ziff, the Jacksonville Jaguars’ VP of Marketing and Digital Media. (He’s also a SnapStream user.)
Indeed, GIFs are everywhere… which is why GIFs are now part of SnapStream’s TV Library. GIFs are saved and catalogued exactly like TV shows and clips.
GIFs are automatically saved in the Library. You can download, view, tweet or email any GIF. *Bonus* you can also search for GIFs, because we retain the closed captioning with every GIF created.
Improved TV Alerts and Smart Clips
Turn any TV Alert on or off, and keep ‘em saved for when you need them again.
Smart Clips are also newly improved. They’re now more accurate and more tightly focused on alert keyword.
As a refresher, alerts can be set up as “Closed Captioning Search with Shared Smart Clips” and for every TV alert match:
1) SnapStream automatically creates a TV clip for you
2) Shares each TV clip online via SnapStream and
3) Embeds a link to the online mention in the SnapStream Alert email.
This can be a powerful way to extend a SnapStream Alert and the corresponding TV mentions to someone outside your organization.
Clip To Audio Files (WAV and MP3)
SnapStream has a new option for transcoding directly to audio files, WAV or MP3. No more multi-step process for all of our radio customers. Mark your clip in SnapStream, cut, and there you go… a WAV or MP3 file.
Search by Local Channels
Use the new search filter channel:LOCAL to include or exclude local channels from your search results. Whether you want to hone in on localized news content or ignore it all together, that depends on you. We automatically group together all the local call signs in this search filter.
Plus hundreds of improvements...
Read the full release notes here.
Upgrades are usually 1 hour. SnapStream's support team will perform the upgrade in a remote session.
Upgrading has never been easier. For most users on SnapStream 6.6, you won’t need to uninstall and reinstall a new version of the SnapStream Web Player. The 6.6 player and SnapStream 7.0 are compatible. So once your system admin does upgrade SnapStream to 7.0, your users will be ready to go.
Tues. Jan. 26 at 1 pm EST
Thurs. Jan. 28 at 3 pm EST