The SnapStream multi-viewer is one of the most powerful tools in the SnapStream software, allowing you to play back up to four in-progress or finished recordings simultaneously.
It's the perfect tool to compare different takes on a single topic or see how different networks cover the same breaking news items.
Another speech Fox viewers really needed to see.....but didn't
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) July 29, 2016
All of the clipping, scrubbing and social functionality that you love in the SnapStream webplayer is also available in the multi-viewer.
Take a look below at how easy it is to use:
Step 1: Choose Recordings for multi-viewer
From the library, you can select up to four in-progress or finished recordings to be added to the multi-viewer. To add a recording, click thebutton next to the in-progress or finished recording.
Step 2: Playback Multiple Recordings
As you select recordings, they will be added to the multi-viewer slots at the top of the library. Mouseover each box to see the name of the recording that has been added. Once you've added up to four recordings, select the button.
Step 3: Multi-viewer Audio Selection
Audio will only be heard for the "active" recording. To change the active recording, click a different video window or click the title of a recording on the right side of the page. A light blue frame will surround the active recording.
Step 4: Sync Playback
To sync the other playback windows to the clock time of the "active" recording, click the . Click the
to sync all playback windows to the current time.
Step 5: Clipping from the Multi-view Screen
Clipping and scrubbing controls for each playback window are below the video. The Jump, Share to Facebook and Share to Twitter buttons are also available for the "active" recording.

Whether you are comparing broadcast coverage or simply love to be able to watch four shows at a time (football anyone?!), the SnapStream multi-viewer is a powerful tool to help you monitor television recordngs.
Questions about the SnapSteam multi-viewer or other features of the SnapStream software? Reach out to our training team at or 713-554-4591 with your questions or issues.