SnapStream Blog

5.10 is here! Monitor TV with the new auto-scrolling transcript

June 20 2013 by Rachel Abbott

What's new in 5.10?

People have different news consumption habits. Some like to read and some like to watch.

In SnapStream 5.10, the choice is yours. Monitor TV by watching, reading, or a combo of both, thanks to the newest component of the Web Player: the auto-scrolling transcript.

In the new release, we have re-imagined and re-designed the Web Player to provide a more interactive TV monitoring experience. We also improved TV Search to make running advanced searches simpler and easier.

Auto-Scrolling Transcript

Along the right side of the video, you'll see the new auto-scrolling transcript, presenting the closed-captioning in a useful new way.

The transcript synchronizes with playback and highlights the corresponding text in blue, making it easy on the eye to track topics and follow along.

New auto-scrolling transcript

Skip to a Word

Click on any word in the transcript, and SnapStream will skip to that point of mention. Think of it like a more intelligent alternative to fast-forwarding.

We're basically giving you the "source code" (the closed-captioning) to navigate TV broadcasts more effectively and efficiently. Let your eye wander and explore TV content from a new perspective.

Skip around the transcript

Resizable Windows

Like we said, SnapStream 5.10 introduces the choice to watch and read TV simultaneously. But, we acknowledge that you may have a priority for one method of TV monitoring over the other.

The new Web Player sports dynamically resizable windows, allowing you to adjust the real estate of your screen to suit your own preferences.

If you're more concerned with the visual broadcast, just slide that front and center.

Resizable windows

Want to focus more on the transcript? Drag to expand the width of the text.

Resizable windows

Or maybe you're 50/50. Keep the video and transcript side-by-side with equal importance.

Resizable windows

Simplified TV Search

There are a wide variety of advanced search parameters you can add to your TV Search queries, based on Boolean logic.

In 5.10, we added a friendly dropdown from the search bar, containing text fields which provide a more accessible way to filter and refine your searches. We hope you make use of these powerful TV search capabilities right at your fingertips.

What's also pretty cool, is that you can directly create a TV Alert to save this search and have it emailed to you when new results come up.

TV search

See 5.10 in Action

Join us for a live demonstration to see all of the new features in SnapStream 5.10. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, July 10 at 2 p.m. central and is open to everyone.

Sign up for the Webinar


Upgrade to 5.10

All software upgrades are free for current SnapStream customers with a valid support contract who meet the hardware pre-requisites. Contact our support team to discuss your upgrade eligibility and to schedule your upgrade to 5.10 to start leveraging all of the new features outlined above.

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