The jig is up, people. The contest to name the 50-channel, world's largest DVR wrapped on Friday, April 30. We reviewed your entries until our bellies ached with laughter. We loved your creativity. But, there is only one iPad up for grabs.
And the winning entry is...
"The Kraken"
Congratulations to Andrew Brack for submitting this fantastically fitting name.
His accompanying explanation for this name read:
This mythical beast was supposed to be so large it could be mistaken for an island. Seems appropriate for a DVR of enormous proportions. Besides, the 'We've released The Kraken' headline for a press release sort of writes itself, right?
We cast our votes and this imaginative idea soon emerged as our favorite. When I asked Andrew how he thought of the name, he explained how he had just rewatched the original Harryhausen Clash of the Titans a few weeks earlier.
"I came up with the name by thinking of the biggest monster I could think of from mythology and of the two or three contenders, 'The Kraken' was the one that sounded the most awe-inspiring," Andrew said. "It all just seemed to fit."
Andrew lives outside Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and enjoys reading, travel and watching movies (new and old). His favorite shows currently on TV are Mad Men, True Blood, Friday Night Lights and Doctor Who. (I'd say it's evident that his acquired taste for film and television paid off quite nicely, here.)
Congratulations again, Andrew! Enjoy your brand new Apple iPad in good health.
P.S. We recognize that there were multiple entries of "The Kraken," but Andrew was the first.